Afrikan Queendom Of The Caribbean Americas
Afrikan Queendom Of The Caribbean Americas
Afrikan Queendom Of The Caribbean Americas
Afrikan Queendom Of The Caribbean Americas
Afrikan Queendom Of The Caribbean Americas
Informing the next generation of




A tribute to our ancestors, a guide to understanding and a key to accelerate the awakening, the author's first release identifies and addresses the developed deficiencies and causation identified in the colossal collapse of the Caribbean's first slave society.


African Online Publishing is motivated to distill information on ancestry about the multiple countries, cultures, traditions, languages, and Kingdoms within Africa previously hidden from descendants in the Caribbean and the wider diaspora, the continent’s inheritors.

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Oct 2024

Issue 13

The word Wawani has no meaning when googled. Making utter fools of the people who did not confirm their fake nation at least had a name with meaning. This latest scam against the island's people by those trying to weasel their way into the parliament, as political newbies, by any means necessary.

July 2024

Issue 12

A Reuters article dated April 17, 2024, highlighted an overlooked predicament well-known to some people. Apparently, it only just dawned on Caricom’s reparations crew made up mostly of lawyers and government officials, that they have no facility for a tribunal. A reality many saw as a roadblock years ago.

Apr 2024

Issue 11

The whole saga showed itself as detrimental and injurious to thousands of terrified students throughout individual islands. The institution's mouthpiece continued to blame everyone within range. From the students to the teachers and everything from Covid-19 to whatever their minds could fathom.

Jan 2024

Issue 10

A necessary sovereign Queendom, passed on as a bloodline pr ivilege. And strategically conceived during mass global upheavals. To fill a vacuum created by corrupt regional elements in the political arena. A concept of detailing the precise information flow of our hidden Afrikan history. An administrative center and hub to counteract the unceasing, increasingly disingenuous, unusable famously disruptive rhetoric leaking from poisonous politicians and their hangerson.

Oct 2023

Issue 09

Kemet (Egypt) falls into natural divisions, Lower and Upper. Lower Kemet (Egypt) stretches from the Mediterranean to the limit of the Delta. Upper Kemet (Egypt) extends six hundred miles south of the Delta to the first cataract. The broad plains of the Delta and the comparatively narrow valley higher up, make up the divisions of Kemet (Egypt). In the primitive days Upper Kemet (Egypt) was wholly Ethiopian.

Jul 2023

Issue 08

A protracted declaration of one-sided war was discharged on my family. We remained unaware for decades who the enemies were, due to their wellknown cowardly methods of hiding behind mindless, miseducated slaves. Who execute dirty, dastardly deeds on behalf of whom they adore. It became clear over decades there was a concerted effort to destroy us, but nearly impossible to figure out who the culprits were and why. It took over 20 years after decades

Apr 2023

Issue 07

The social spinoff continues to resound as a historical event of repudiation of human rights that actively reverberates in the orbit of the affected. Depressing memories of the insanely diabolical and rampant use of slave codes developed and exported across multiple regions and the Americas to continue wholesale dissemination of lives—determined to trade in filiation and the decrement of African spirituality, fueled by a legacy of heinous covetousness.

Jan 2023

Issue 06

The world watches in amazement while the representation of earthly conquests in Native lands, resources, and wealth turn themselves into revisionists and scramble to rewrite and glamorize the series of negative, cataclysmal actions of purveyors who introduced the social cancer of colonization to our world. All of which is now reduced to social blights and seen as undergoing a tumultuous malfunction of overused, corroded systems in a new reality.

oct 2022

Issue 05

Radical changes from the norm are a very difficult undertaking, and if genuine a noble cause, but due to enduring crime scenes scattered across our earth, is much easier to achieve than rewriting a history that was the only one our Afrikan continent was demonized by over millennia, and no other data available as a replacement for the horrendous generational sins of long buried monstrosities.

July 2022

Holocaust Denial As Tourism

I’m not one to visit the so-called great houses here in Barbados because I see them as shameless monuments built on the crimes committed on this island against our enslaved African ancestors during the holocaust. However, recently I had some visitors to the island who specifically asked me to take them to Sunbury Plantation Great House in St Phillip. To be a good host, I agreed.

June 2022

Issue 04

The unbelievable madness and unabashed inhumanity people at the management level flaunt is a continuum of ruination for melanated people. In this age, and circumstances there is a recent plea for descents to make themselves available for sugar plantation work at world-famous slave outlets built for the purpose of Afrikan human life reduction...

Apr 2022

Editorial 01

The British couple acting as representatives for the palace, in March of 2022, while on a tour to Caribbean and Latin American countries, boldly highlighted the evolution of “relationships.” Needless to say, there has been a shift over the last five centuries from one of direct dehumanization of Afrikans and other groups, to one of commonwealth “partnerships...

Apr 2022

Issue 03

The African Union’s (AU) recent launch of Kiswahili as an official language, a well-defined bridge for Afrikans across the globe to effectively communicate and a crucial bond to begin the healing process, is not only gladly received, but unifying, constructive and the best course of action. All too often Afrikan descents already forcefully consumed by...

Jan 2022

Issue 02

Some of us always knew we were special, and no negative thrown our way could cause a deviation from or halt those feelings of higher knowledge and spiritual soundness that did not fit into concocted systems of deterioration and decay. Despite the extraordinarily lengthy time it took to manifest, there was always this sense that...

Oct 2021

Issue 01

The excavations of Petrie revealed in Egypt the remains of a distinct race that preceded the historic Egyptians. The earliest civilization was higher than that of the later dynasties. Its purer art represents an "Old Race" that fills all the background of the pre-historic ages. It colonized the first civilized center of the primitive world...

The next generation of melanated bloodlines will be better informed and equipped to handle the unforeseen when apprised of what transpired before.